Yesterday was weigh-in day and of the 80 buckets sold, 41 were returned for the judging!
Welcome to our Green Team blog.
Last week the children of Addington school, staff and friends of the school planted out 250 flowering plants, and sprinkled wildflower seeds on part of an empty site on Selwyn St. The row of shops had all been removed after damage during the earthquakes. With the land owners permission and as part of Greening Spaces, the children had spread compost the previous day and then were able to walk down from school class by class to each put in a plant. A path was put in to allow access to the road crossing, and the children used the rubble on the site to mark out the garden area. The children had a ball and were very enthusiastic planters! Everyone got stuck in. Passersby would stop and add their encouragement, some were reduced to tears, they were so happy to see the children working at making a difference. Many cars waved and tooted their encouragement. It was a very special day. If you get a chance, go past to have a look at this piece of magic!
Greening Spaces is an organisation that allows schools in Christchurch to bring colour to sites in their neighbourhood. Andrew Drummond is the coordinator and with the help of Meadow Mushrooms, Frews Transport, and the people of Ashburton, has been able to work with schools on several sites around the city. The flowering plants for the Selwyn St site are from the same people as the hanging baskets in the new Pop Up Mall in town and look fantastic!
In an effort to raise more money for our native garden and specifically raise funds to build a concrete path to allow access into the garden for all our children, we are running a potato in a bucket competition! Entries for this have now closed and with almost 80 buckets ordered the competition is going to be hot! It would seem that many inter and intra family competitions are also underway, and there have been hushed potato growing conversations in some corners of the staff room!
Today four children from Room 7 planted out 10 of the first trees to go into our new native garden. Seamus, Miracle, Serenity and Josh dug the holes and planted out the totara trees. The trees will form a boundary hedge down one end of the garden. During their digging they discovered treasures including old bits of pathway, ‘prehistoric’ tree roots, and an eraser that must be ‘from children that went to school 50 years ago. Was Ms Heath here then?”. Great fun! A huge thank you to the Christchurch City Council who donated the Trees for Canterbury(TFC) voucher that enabled us to get the first of our many plants.
As well as the totara, we were able to buy 5 matai, and then TFC donated 15 lancewood seedlings. We hope to plant these out soon once the planting plan is finalised. It is all very exciting!
Yahhh! We have finally achieved one of our goals set last year and with the help of Rose, Grant, Errol (and Carlin the Seeing-Eye-Dog) from Bunnings, we have our worm farm, and another one, all set up and in place.
On the Wednesday afternoon, before the snow, Rose and her team, taught the Green Team leaders how to put together the layers of a worm farm, using coconut fibre, then the worms, and then the damp shredded newspaper. Grant demonstrated the layering process, while Errol explained the purpose of each step.
On the Friday we added the first small handful of food scraps.
The children learnt that some scraps such as orange peels, bread, meat and dairy can not be added. Some foods take a long time to break down and may start to mould off and smell bad! (We don’t want that as both farms are wintering in a work room!!!!)
Thank you again to Bunnings for donating the seeds and mix to get this started, and for allowing Rose, Grant and Errol to spend the time with us. We really appreciate the wonderful contribution you are making to our school environment, and our sustainability goals.
In the beginning….
The Green Team began at Addington School during 2008, with the aim of reducing waste throughout the school. The initial focus was on recycling of paper waste within each classroom.
Over the past two years, the Green Team has taken on the collection of materials for the compost, and the creation of four busy compost heaps. In addition three large raised vegetable beds have been built, filled with soil and our own compost, and produced a delightful supply of fresh vegetable treats for Green team members, and the whole school (eg Radish-o-Rama ( See Addington Article for some of those fun harvests)
We have developed a special friendship with the Strickland St Gardens who regularly come and help us out with advice, and who host us at their gardens for special demonstrations and celebrations.
The Green team also raised seedlings for the Addington Fair, donated Christmas potatoes to the City Mission, and to the Strickland St Gardens.
The excitement and passion of the children on the Green Team has so far driven the direction and projects taken on by this group. The group itself has grown in size over the past year, with more and more children wanting to be involved in activities.
Officially there are two representatives from each class to take on the compost and recycling collection, and then further members who participate during various activities. At last count, over one third of the children at school actively participate in the Green team over the course of a month. Involvement includes weeding (Rose or Vegetable gardens), sowing seeds, planting vegetables and flowers, Autumn leaf collection, walnut collection, compost collection, compost heap maintenance and turning, and harvest!!
Cooking our produce has been an unexpected spin off, with children trying their hand at preparing various dishes and sauces, using our own produce. We intend to add a recipe page to our blog.
The future….
Completing the vegetable garden mural (on Mr Sinclair’s caretaker shed) is high on our list for this year, however bad weather has slowed the process. The children have a design which is creeping its way across the wall, during fine Friday afternoons.
The Green Team have plans to make the Vegetable Garden area another learning space, complete with seating and fruit trees. This way children can watch and participate in a complete growing season. Lots of opportunities to initiate learning.
Other plans include further development of the Rose garden, areas around each classroom, and the office block.
We are keen to further develop our composting collection (foodscraps) with more detailed data on volumes collected, and volumes of compost made. Lots of ways to incorporate “measurement”!
The worm farm is also waiting in the wings, ready to be set up and maintained.
We have heaps to do……… so its time to get cracking!!