
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seedlings For Native Revamp!

Today Hanna and Sean, Green Team leaders from Room 10, visited with Jack Elphick to look at the plants he has propagated and now offered to the school.
Jack who lives locally has been very active in environmental issues, both in New Zealand and overseas. He has worked in South America and was involved at Muraroa, protesting against nuclear testing in the Pacific. More recently Jack was doing volunteer work for DOC propagating native plants on Mana Island.
Jack, who has been very busy has offered us wineberry, ake ake, cabbage trees and kanuka seedlings for our revamping of the school's native area. The Green team plan to pick these up early next term, and put them into an area near the compost heaps to grow on until we are ready to plant them out. A huge thank you to Jack for his wonderful offer.

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